Hans Newsletter Issue #1

The very first HANS Newsletter. HANS is the new Human Body Model from DYNAmore.

Thank you very much for signing up to this newsletter and your interest in our human body model HANS. With this newsletter, we would like to inform you about the progress of our model development.  

Here are some key facts of HANS:

• HANS is based on the scan data of an average male adult. Except for the heart and brain, the whole geometry has been derived from the same individual. The models body dimensions are 176cm height at 79kg mass (BMI 25.5) and thus it matches the AM50 size

• the model aims for the next-level detailing and accuracy. In particular, we focus on the musculoskeletal system, including the bony structure and the muscle/tendon/ligament complex. We understand, accurate kinematics is key in human body simulation. Therefore, we decided to model each muscle individually. Consequently, HANS will already be prepared for 3D-active muscles which will be implemented at a later stage

• at this point, the overall model size will be less than 2 Mio nodes and elements and hence, comparable to the current detailed models in the market although many details are modeled with higher detailness

• we target to release a first version of the model in summer 2023

Currently we are in the heavy lifting of the model built. From the beginning, we have been running overload tests  to identify and address potential robustness issues. Also, we started to calibrate different regions of the model to ensure and improve the model’s biofidelity.


The next steps are:

• finish model assembly
• generate more test load cases
• continue with model calibration and initiate first validation simulations based on literature data

All the best,

One more thing: Save the date! We are planning a free of charge Human Body Information Day on May 3rd, 2023 in Stuttgart, Germany and online. Stay tuned!
